Make a sustainable difference with a nomadic way of change
You are a leader who wants to make the impact of a transition tangible and lasting. You want to control the process and make sure everyone is as committed to it as you are. To inspire and motivate people to make a difference together, that is your ambition. How can you sustain such a way of working, you ask yourself. I offer inspiration for that in various development paths. Will you join me?
We go on the road
You want to create a noticeable effect and a sense of direction in the process leading up to it. You want to see the effect in your organization or through your organization in the outside world. To achieve that effect you need a change of direction, a change project or a learning & development program. You see what is needed, feel that it is time to take action and are looking for a strategic, individual approach. With grip.
You want this change to arise and lead in your own way. "How?" you may be thinking. Previously, you focused on speed and action. The effects of these changes fell short or ebbed away after a short time. You don't want that from now on, and you are aware that you have both your style of leading and approach to process to refine.
Want to know more about how to tackle this? Schedule a no-obligation online Heading Call with me right away. We will discuss your ambition, what is already going well and what frustrates you. I listen, think with you about the next step and give you directly applicable tips.
Nomadic development paths
Moving to a way of change that involves the people affected deserves full time and attention. It gets that attention when leaders and pioneers step on a nomadic development path. I am the guide and facilitator and accompany step-by-step in the further learning & development of knowledge, insight and (inner) change skills so that together you can make a sustainable and self-willed difference.

1:1 Development path Change Nomad
In 4-6 months you, as a leader, sharpen the change ambition, refine your authentic change style & (inner) transition skills. The path includes everything you need to prepare a change and successfully initiate and facilitate the process. I inspire you with my nomadic method with smart processes and tools; you go with it. We work together live, supplemented by online modules.

Expedition Own-Wise Pioneers
In 6-9 months pioneers are prepared for their role in the (upcoming) transition, we develop the change process together and they are guided in navigating while living through this process. The development path consists of a number of energetic sessions at an inspiring (outdoor) location and online modules to develop the required knowledge & skills at your own pace.

Bootcamp Own-Wise Change Skills
In 1 day we warm up a team for a proposed change. We dive into the why, how and what of this change and get to work on the change mindset and skills that the group has (internally) to develop. The result is a Transition Skills Compass for each participant. The bootcamp is held at an inspiring (outdoor) location.
This Nomadic Scan lets you explore where you stand to lead change from self-organizing principles. This compass gives you inspiration for actions in a few steps. Schedule a Heading Check with me right away if you want to turn those actions into a self-wise approach.

Eva Euser
Manager of Operations
"By working with Simone, we got the course. She made us experience the value of slowing down. Now there is a solid foundation to build on and we are confident that we can do it."

Karen Millenaar
Manager of Facilities
"After intensive Bootcamps, transparency and cooperation has clearly increased. We really worked together as a group from very different responsibilities."

Joris Bishop
"Working with Simone always provides me with unexpected new insights; in myself or in a situation. She inspires me to make changes in my daily actions to achieve a positive (change) effect with the people I work with."