Introducing a team within the central government to each other while playing. I did that together with partner Amsterdam Gamelab. The game put them in a simulation of a fictitious organization, presented them with choices and dilemmas and made them reflect together on work stress.
The team did not yet know each other live, yet they were soon working together in harmony. As a result, you might think that working together is always a breeze. But in this case, I attribute it to the sum of the individual qualities of all the players. This made it possible for them to immerse themselves in the other and to be open about their own "instructions".
And so I witnessed the working of 1 of the 5 dimensions of the Inner Development Goals (IDG): the value of working together. IDG are qualities and capacities to make the world a wiser and more sustainable place. You can use these at work, too. I apply them to teams to make them aware of their own wisdom.
This government team is going to explore what qualities they want to develop even further; in this harmony. I am already curious where they are going to end up and how they are going to move forward as the team.
Want to have a no-obligation exchange about more self-wisdom in your team or organization? Schedule an appointment right away. Or call Simone at +31(0)610939739.